Clean air in the home is vital for homeowners‘ health because poor air quality leads to breathing difficulties, worsened asthma, and coughing. When contaminants, such as dust, mold, and dirt, build up in the air, it begins to feel strange.
Below are eight methods for ensuring clean air in a home.
Proper Insulation
Insulation affects the home’s air quality because outdoor pollutants, including dust and allergens, seep into the house through unsealed cracks. Homeowners should use updated HVAC systems with filters to control air contents and clean the home.
There are various insulation materials to choose from, such as foam boards, batt and roll, loose-fill, and spray foam insulation. If you are experiencing health problems and you have tried the options below another option you would try is to hire ISO cleanroom to test and validate each room for you
Air Filtration Systems
Air filtration and purifying systems improve air quality by using internal fans to pull existing air particles into them. The filters eliminate pollen, bacteria, and dust from the air then send it back clean continuously.
The air goes through impingement for efficient filtration, where large unwanted particles get caught inside the filter. Then, interception occurs, where particles and fibers make contact, and particles become lodged.
Afterward, small particles move to high concentration areas through the Brownian Motion (diffusion). Finally, when the particle’s dimension is more significant than the connecting filter fibers’ distance, the particles remain in the filter, and clean air goes out.
Furthermore, replacing air filters regularly increases their efficiency by allowing for maximum airflow, which improves the air quality.
Air Filter Types
UV light purifiers which kill bacteria and mold using ultraviolet light in the AC system.
Electrostatic filters have an ionizer that attaches electrically charged ions to particles, making them heavier, so they leave the air.
Activated carbon air filters, which eliminate odors and gases using activated carbon.
Ozone generators that use electricity or ultraviolet rays to form ozone gas that effectively kills mildew, mold, and other air pollutants. You can look at a variety of American-made air purifiers to suit your needs.
Bathroom Fan Fixtures
Bathroom fan fixtures remove and filter the air in the bathroom consistently, which creates a clean air environment and maintains wood trim, paint, caulking, and drywall.
In addition, they also remove unpleasant odors faster, leaving the air clean for other users. They eliminate fumes and chemicals from strong cleaning agents, which can cause respiratory problems.
Regular Cleaning and Dusting
Homeowners should clean their homes regularly to improve the air quality. Without cleaning and dusting, debris dust, mold, and other contaminants pollute the air and cause serious health risks.
Below are some cleaning tips:
-Clean the top surfaces first, then the floors.
-Declutter the rooms to reduce dirt build-up and air congestion.
-Vacuum carpets, rugs, and mats bi-weekly.
-Replace upholstered furniture with plastic, leather, metal, and wood, which get clean quickly.
-Wash blinds, bedding, and curtains often.
-Groom pets regularly
-Use a vacuum and its extension tools for thorough cleaning.
-Replace the carpet with hardwood floors.
Hypoallergenic Furniture and Indoor Materials
If furniture and indoor materials are hypoallergenic, they have seals to keep allergens, dust, dirt automatically, and other pollutants out of them, which keeps the air around them clean.
Air-Purifying Houseplants
Decorating a house with air-purifying plants enhances airflow and absorbs toxins, which improves its indoor air quality. Placing two to three houseplants at 100 feet distance apart and choosing easy-to-care-for plants is the best option.
-Air-purifying plants include:
-English Ivy
-Aloe Vera
-Spider plants
-Peace Lily
-Areca palms
Air Duct Cleaning
Air ducts require frequent cleaning because they collect dirt, pet hair, and other debris which infiltrate a home’s air, making it unsafe for the homeowners, especially those with asthma and allergies.
Cleaning the air ducts removes allergens that settle in the vents and get thrown back into the house’s air circulation during heating and cooling. Another benefit is removing unpleasant smells from the build-up of pet dander, mold, and mildew.
Volatile Organic Compounds Management
VOCs are harmful chemicals in home maintenance products, such as soaps and detergents, varnish, cigarettes, paint, and air fresheners. The chemicals affect the home’s air quality when released into the air.
The VOCs cause serious respiratory issues, organ damage, and headaches, increase cancer risk and worsen asthma symptoms.
To reduce volatile organic compounds, do the following:
-Use a humidifier regularly
-Get the house tested for VOC levels
-Store harmful chemicals away from the family
-Use low VOC furniture and paints
-Open the windows and doors to bring in fresh air
-Regulate the temperature
-Use fans to increase mood from outdoors
-Avoid paraffin candles
-Air out household items and furniture often
-Use a vacuum to remove dust, which mold feeds on
-Plan renovations and painting in warm months
Finally, using air-purifying plants, avoiding VOCs, regular cleaning, proper insulation, using air filters, cleaning air ducts purify the air in the home, using bathroom fan fixtures, and buying hypoallergenic home equipment, which reduces the chances of homeowners getting illnesses.