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HomeBusinessOnline Advertising: the basic toolkit for Sydney business

Online Advertising: the basic toolkit for Sydney business

Residents in Sydney place a high value on connectivity, with more interest in a good phone signal and access to the internet than in anything else when choosing where to live, according to Financial Review.

What does this mean for Sydney business owners? Potential customers are relying on online communication, so online advertising Sydney is a good way of gaining new business in the area.

Search Engine Optimization

(SEO) is about organic search results and is the essential foundation for online business visibility. Beyond establishing and maintaining this foundation, there are times when a specific promotional message or time-sensitive announcement needs to reach a specific audience, quickly.

Online Advertising Tools

In the evolving technical environment of the internet, there are many online advertising tools that help you to find new ways of reaching your audience.

• Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Unlike SEO, which ensures your business achieves organic search engine results, SEM places paid-for ads on search engine results pages. Visitors are aware that this is a sponsored result.
With a Google Ad campaign, you only pay when someone clicks on the ad and goes through to your website, so it is sometimes called Pay per Click (PPC) Advertising. The same principles apply to this form of advertising as any other: know what people are looking for, and what solution you can offer.

As a business, you know your customers and how you can answer their requirements, but do you know what search terms your potential customers are using to find products or services on the internet? This takes keyword research, analytical feedback and regular reports to ensure that you are on the right track.

Search Engine ads are about finding and refining the most effective wording, or message, to connect your business with customers in the moment that they are searching. These are hot leads.

• Display Advertising

These are also sometimes called banner ads, and they don’t pop up on search page results, but on actual web pages on the internet. They can appear at the top, bottom or sides of content. In this way, your business can appear as an option when people are reading, viewing or visiting content related to your business message, industry category or area of interest.

Display advertising provides a richer platform for brand awareness, as it includes graphics, so these ads need to be visually appealing and build on your brand identity.

As these ads are placed in specific environments, your general website may not be the ideal place to direct traffic as they visitor may not immediately see what they are looking for. The effectiveness of display ads can be increased by building a customized landing page focusing on the particular area that the visitor is interested in. This would include a direct call to action before linking through to the website for more information, so your results are also directly measurable.

• Social Media Advertising

Apart from having your own on-going social media pages and profiles for your brand that helps visitors to get to know your business better, engage and be responsive to your audience, you can also sometimes reach out with advertising on social media for specific reasons. Constant advertising won’t increase your conversions. It is better to do this around a particular campaign, in short bursts as is necessary.

Facebook Ads

In the same way that display ads can be configured for different shapes and positions on a page, Facebook ads can appear on the right side of newsfeed along with ‘trending’ posts or news. They can also appear within a user’s feed as a ‘suggested post’ or within mobile feed for mobile users.

Twitter Advertising

Twitter ads come in the form of promoted trends, promoted accounts or promoted tweets. Gaining followers is a good form of brand awareness. Here, you need to make short and compelling statements, be in touch with current events and post regularly to keep a consistent presence.

Instagram Ads

Graphics, carousels and videos for this visually inclined audience can be created for these users to tap through to your products or services. If it’s likely that your audience is on Instagram and your business can offer a visual feast, this is a good platform for showcasing that.

Advertising on Pinterest

Here, people are actively looking for new products or ideas, and ads look and feel more natural in this environment. This is where people go to shop or plan. Promoted pins don’t interrupt or distract users, and when someone saves your promoted pin, followers will also see it.

LinkedIn Advertising

This is particularly useful if you’re in the business to business (B2B) environment. Your brand can sponsor content, create text or dynamic ads for premium audiences.

• Remarketing Campaigns
There is a time and a place for everything and remarketing is not the ideal method for approaching new customers. People are not positively influenced by having strangers follow them around the internet. On the other hand, this is can represent a form of staying in touch with existing customers or those who have already visited your website in the past, with a gentle or timeous reminder about your new or existing services.

If you have attempted to create online advertising campaigns for your business, you’ll quickly realise that it eats your time and becomes a full time job, from exploring all the options, comparing platforms, managing campaigns, analyzing reports and managing budgets.

If you would like to have your online advertising created and managed by professionals at affordable rates, contact OAC Digital Sydney. We start with a brand strategy for your business, then create, plan and monitor campaigns, providing regular reports and increasing your brand awareness based on your requirements.

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