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HomeMarketingQuick Tips to Grow an Axe Throwing Business Through Social Media

Quick Tips to Grow an Axe Throwing Business Through Social Media

Axe ranges are unique entertainment venues that cater to axe-throwing enthusiasts and individuals who want to try something new. Most axe ranges also have a “travel” option where they will come to a home or business and set up a mobile range. These parties are great for work or bachelor parties. 

With new axe throwing businesses going live monthly, there is more competition than ever before in the world of SEO and ranking locally in the search results. Just take a look at any of the top axe throwing sites on the internet today and you will see that most of them offer the same services, but are all fighting for better exposure and rankings.

No matter where your business is located, it needs to have customers and axe throwing is definitely a service and recreational activity that has gained much popularity since the past few years.

With all of this in mind, let’s proceed with our step by step instructions on how to build and market a successful axe throwing business online.

Start an axe-throwing party business by following these 9 steps:

  • Plan your Business

  • Form a legal entity

  • Register for taxes

  • Open a business bank account & credit card

  • Set up business accounting

  • Obtain necessary permits and licenses

  • Set Business Insurance

  • Define your brand

Facebook ads are a crucial part of any axe-throwing business marketing plan. It is one of the most effective ways to get more bookings and fill up bays. 

Where Google Ads are all about bidding on specific keywords, Facebook and Instagram ads allow you to place ads based on demographics and interests. This can allow you to get brand awareness (and sales) from niche groups.

Facebook Ads Manager is an all-in-one tool for creating, managing, and tracking ad campaign performance across the Facebook, Messenger, Whatsapp, and Instagram ecosystem. It includes a guided campaign creation tool, which you will use to set up a new ad campaign.



The top level of the structure of a Facebook Ads campaign is the campaign itself. This is where you set your campaign objective. Some examples of objectives are conversions, traffic, and brand awareness. 

Pro Tip: You can only choose one objective for each campaign. We recommend starting with either conversions – which would be new bookings- or traffic – new visitors to your site – at the start.  

Then, give your initial campaign a descriptive name, using a format such as “Campaign Name – Date Created – Creative Descriptor.”

Ad Sets 

The second level of the campaign structure is the ad set. Ad sets are how you tell Facebook whom you want to target for your campaign. If you have a limited budget and a sizable amount of traffic (more than a few thousand monthly visitors), we recommend starting with retargeting ads.

This is also where you can choose and adjust your ad schedule and budget.

Pro Tip: If you are brand new to Facebook ads, start slow and bid $5-10 per day max. Then as you start to see results, ramp up your ad budget from there.


The third level of the campaign structure is the ad. This is where you’ll write your ad copy, upload videos, and images, add your call-to-action (CTA), which is typically a landing page on your site.

Pro Tip: We recommend adding UTM codes for each link so you can get a better view of which ad creatives are performing best.

Start with Facebook Retargeting Ads

Have you ever visited a clothing website, put some items in your cart (without buying anything), and then get distracted on Facebook? Suddenly, you are seeing ads for this clothing store in your newsfeed. This is an example of retargeting ads, and they work extremely well with Facebook Pages and through paid advertising on the social platform. It can be an effective way to get customers to buy from you.

You can do the same thing by retargeting visitors who visit your website but don’t make a booking. So, you can show them ads anytime they are on Facebook, Messenger, or Instagram. 

Retarget website visitors

Retargeting ads work because it keeps your business top-of-mind with potential customers while they are still shopping around. 

You can also use retargeting to capitalize on your website traffic by showing ads to Facebook users who have visited your website but have not made a booking.

However, before you run any retargeting ads, make sure you have the Facebook pixel correctly installed and that you share data on completed website transactions with Facebook so that you can track your return on ad spend. 

The Facebook Pixel will help you target ads, measure performance, and calculate your return on advertising investment.

Pro Tip: When using FB’s ad platform, be sure to use the Facebook pixel tracking features available in the Ad Manager.


Social media marketing will help in growing your brand awareness. It will make it easy to spread the word about your products and mission. It will also increase your traffic. Using social media and linking it to your website will increase your traffic tremendously. It can help in increasing visibility of your brand and developing lasting relationships with your audience, Moreover, It improves brand awareness and recognition and Creates loyalty and trust, with both your current customers

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