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HomeHealth & FitnessShampoo For Hair Loss - What Are Your Options?

Shampoo For Hair Loss – What Are Your Options?

At birth, each of us genetically inherits a capital of hair follicles that develop, and when they reach maturity will give us our hair. Hair is a beauty capital and a seductive asset so when it falls out in large quantities it is quite normal that this triggers great confusion!

However, there are solutions to attenuate and slow down this hair loss and above all to stimulate regrowth! So how do you do it?

Hair loss (apart from chemotherapy treatment which can cause hair loss) is quite normal since we all lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day, some a little more depending on the type of hair, age, season, or heredity.


The hair grows 1 mm every 3 days which corresponds to about 12 to 15 cm per year. The growth phases are 3 to 6 years and the rest phase of 3 weeks during which the hair dies and its fall phase will extend over 3 months.


Fall is a season known to be conducive to hair loss due to hormonal changes in response to light, but periods of stress or hormonal disturbances such as pregnancy or menopause can cause hair loss in women. In the event of a fall after a pregnancy, do not worry because women then regain all of their capillary capital in the year following the birth of the baby.


Thus, if it is normal to lose a few hairs per day, it will be necessary to consult your doctor:


– if the loss is more than 200 hairs per day,

– if it drags on as it may be related to an underlying medical problem

– or in the case of pathological hair loss called alopecia.

This alopecia or baldness in men is most often due to an excess of you prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth and growth?

hair lose

Anti-hair loss treatments 

Local treatments against hair loss male hormones, this excess can be hereditary but there are many other factors not always known which also come into account. Objective: stronger, thicker, denser hair! So how do

In the event of an incipient hair loss or a seasonal hair loss, local treatments can be carried out with gentle stimulating shampoos and anti-hair loss lotions.


These products generally contain:

– plant extracts such as quinine known for its strengthening of the hair structure,

-group B vitamins to strengthen the hair,

– minerals,

– other molecules such as patented aminexil for its anti-hair loss effect.

It is advisable to space the shampoos as far as possible so as not to attack the hair with a maximum of 3 to 4 shampoos per week. If the hair is oily or prone to dandruff, it is advisable to use a treatment adapted for each problem in addition to the shampoo and/or anti-hair loss lotion.

Between two treating treatments, promote an extra-mild shampoo. Do not use baby shampoo, ta hey are not suitable for adults (although they smell very good!).

Anti-hair loss food supplements

Hair loss is also linked to deficiencies in zinc, magnesium, calcium, group B vitamins, or iron. Hair is a very good indicator o  these deficiencies and in particular mineral deficiencies. Too, hair food supplements are one of the first reflexes to have during a hair loss since they allow treatment of at least 3 months (it is the obligatory condition!) to improve the appearance of the hair and to revitalize the hair cycle.


These food supplements improve capillary microcirculation and reduce inflammation at the bulbar level which price es hair loss. They provide group B vitamins: B6, B8, Zinc, sulfur amino acids which are necessary for the synthesis of keratin and hair growth.


Some food supplements are also sebum-regulating and can therefore reduce the excess production of sebum which can be the cause of hair loss. In these sebum-regulating supplements, we will mainly find Zinc and pumpkin seed oil for example. The presence of Taurine is important in these food supplements because it helps fight against free radicals, responsible for premature aging of the hair bulb. Without forgetting the brewer’s yeast, which has an ancestral strengthening action on the hair.


These food supplements, therefore, improve the overall quality of the hair: a thicker diameter, shine, and enhanced tone.

Hair loss: natural treatments

Herbal medicine against hair loss

The world of plants also has its place in the treatment of hair loss! Thanks to herbal medicine, you can cure your hair problems. Indeed, many plants are found in the food supplements mentioned above and they are generally associated with minerals to be able to benefit from a boosted action called synergistic!


– We can use plants in local use by friction on the scalp such as Quinine extracted from Quinquina which is a tree from South America. Quinine is part of the composition of many shampoos, lotions, and anti-hair loss frictions.

– Scots pine contains a molecule called alpha-pinene which helps promote cell growth locally in the hair bulb.

– Licorice modifies the action of enzymes responsible for hair loss and finally, Boxwood which is used in decoction in the form of friction has a beneficial effect to stop hair loss.

– Finally,  Rosemseveralck, Nettle Root are all plants with Nasturtium which improve the overall appearance of the hair and help stop hair loss. Do not hesitate to ask your pharmacist for advice on obtaining and using these plants.

Homeopathy against hair loss

In homeopathy, several strains are indicated. Please note, these indications are given in a general way and must be the subject of a visit to a homeopath for the analysis of the field of the individual to determine the suitable strain as well as the appropriate dosage for each person.


For all forms of alopecia,  Thallium sulfuric is indicated then according to local determination (area of ​​hair loss and appearance of the hair): Bryonia alba, Selenium metallicum, Fluoricum acidum, and according to the general determination on the individual: Arsenicum album, Natrum muriaticum, Aurum metallicum, Arsenicum album, Phosphorus, Lycopodium clavatum…


In all cases, seek advice from your pharmacist or homeopath for a treatment adapted to each case.

Daniel Zayas
Daniel Zayas
Mars is a content writer and founder of Hesolite the place for you to get SEO tips, backlinks backlinks. He gained extensive knowledge by doing researches on various technology projects. You will find his SEO-related contributions on top sites online.
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