You frequently come across the term ‘cloud-based’. Do you know what it is, and why are so many sites moving to cloud? They are doing so to meet the increasing hosting needs of customers. It helps to tide over the limitations of traditional hosting. Here are some benefits that come along:
More Uptime
Server uptime is related to the performance of your website. The cloud hosting provides maximum server uptime and ensures that there is no single point of failure. It is a system of interconnected servers of so if at any point a particular server is not able to take the request, then there are several others to handle the workload of the failed server by default. As against the traditional server, a single server setups the risks of hardware failure and ensure the downtime of the website and the applications.
Pay For What You Need
In traditional hosting, the computing resources are shared, and the CPU needs with the other sites on the same server or opt for a private dedicated server which comes at high costs.
Cloud hosting offers the infrastructure that secures your data at various levels. When you go for cloud hosting, you can rely on it, unlike shared hosting that is unreliable. Furthermore, cloud hosting providers offer numerous plans to choose from.
When you are with cloud hosting, you do not have to worry about the spikes in traffic as the scalability is there. You will able to add the resources like the bandwidth, storage, and RAM, etc. from the interconnected servers.
In traditional hosting, the choices are highly limited resources and come with rigid specifications. The instant ramping up of the resources on the shared web server as per the need basis is not available.
Location Independent
When you choose a shared server, there come with location specification. You need to very careful as the location of the server plays a significant role in the loading speed of the website. However, cloud hosting servers are located across the world. They can be accessed from anywhere in the world with the help of an internet connection and from any computer.
Backup and Disaster Recovery
With cloud hosting, disaster recovery feature is there as the data is automatically backed up in the inter-connected servers. The traditional hosting does not offer recovery from the disaster as there is only one single server where you can host the data and the applications. You need to arrange for the backup of the data on your own.
Latest Technology
There is most recent technology in cloud hosting. It allows you to customize the things your way. You will be able to upgrade the servers, most recent versions of software and the computer processing power. The traditional hosting does not allow you to upgrade and make customizations automatically.
Cloud hosting is used to the full capacity, and it makes sure that your site gets the best resources to function at the optimal speed and is well prepared to handle any spikes. When you are choosing a plan, compare the take a look at the offerings from other cloud hosting providers to get the best.