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HomeBusinessSix Unique Employee Appreciation Methods

Six Unique Employee Appreciation Methods

To run a successful company, you need employees who are devoted to working hard and accomplishing tasks. Recognizing this effort can benefit both them and you. They will feel appreciated and their accomplishments will bring more sales and profit to your business. Here are six unique methods to show your staff that you are thankful for all that they do.

Acknowledge Good Work 

When you have a staff member that has gone above and beyond on a project or has brought in a large customer, take a moment to announce what they did to the company. You can do this either in a meeting or a special gathering. Being publicly acknowledged gives them a moment to be proud of what they did as well as encourages other employees to work harder so they too can have recognition. At this time, you can also offer them an award or certificate of some kind as a memento of what they have accomplished. If a gathering for those that work for you is too far off in the future, you can also recognize these efforts in a newsletter or a memo. It can also be done with a personal note. In it, you can detail what they have done that was outstanding and how much you appreciate their efforts. Write this on company stationary or buy a greeting card from the store to scribe your thoughts.

Give Out Prizes and Other Rewards

Everyone enjoys receiving a tangible gift. If an employee or a department does a job well, give them a prize or reward from their work. It can be a gift card, t-shirt, or other memento that shows your appreciation. You can also provide incentives to your staff to show how thankful you are for what they do. This can be free treats or water for them to enjoy, organizing memberships to a local gym or other discount store, or providing them with nucific offers

It can also be a fun activity like a day when everyone can wear jeans instead of dress clothes or a themed dress up day when you decorate the office to match the concept that you have chosen. Doing things like this lets your workers know that you understand the effort they are putting forth for your company. It will inspire them to work harder and to do more than asked, which will bring additional success to your organization.

Be Personal With a Gift

When you do present an award to a staff member, make it personal to them. Before you pick out any other type of gift for them, take time to consider their interests. An employee who enjoys fitness might appreciate a gift card to a sporting goods store while another who likes to read would want something from a book store. If they are conscientious of the world around them, you can give a donation in their name or offer to volunteer with them. 

Concentrate on the person and observe what they do to give you an idea of what to shop for. You can also inquire to those in your business that they are close with to discover what they like. Giving a reward that is unique to them tells them that you are interested in what they do outside of the business and makes them feel valued. It is something that they can use and enjoy instead of an item that will sit on a shelf and collect dust.

Get Them Out Of the Office

If a staff member has put in extra time to get a project done, reward them with an additional day off to enjoy time with friends and family. You can also provide longer lunches or an option for them to work from home as an incentive to accomplish more or to devote more energy to the tasks that you give them. Be flexible with their time away from your business. In doing so, you acknowledge the importance of their lives away from their jobs. You can also sponsor an activity during the workday that is offsite to allow everyone to enjoy themselves away from the responsibilities at their desks. Choosing a team building exercise lets them have fun while working together. When they are in your facility, ensure that they are comfortable with their workload. If they seem overwhelmed, the stress can cause frustration which will lead to mistakes and for the task to run over the due date. Offer to help out if your worker needs it and urge them to take a breather away from their desk to calm themselves and refocus. The care you show to your staff members as individuals with lives outside your company will lead them to want to do more when they are on the job with you.

Bring In Treats Or Lunch

Set up a day to order food in from a local business to show your employees that you do notice the efforts that they put forth. Take a poll beforehand to see what types of cuisine interests them then research the best place near you to purchase from. If your staff is putting a great deal of time in on an assignment, bring in doughnuts, coffee, and juice for them to enjoy as they work. Schedule a day a month to take them all out for an extended lunch break so that you can enjoy time together as a team and get to know each other better. Set aside a day a month to honor the birthdays and work anniversaries of those that are celebrating. Have a cake or cookies delivered personalized with their names as well as some fruit or other snack foods to compliment it. Providing treats and meals to your staff is another way to show your appreciation to your workers and to foster a sense of community among those in your company. The days that these events occur are light, fun days which makes an enjoyable atmosphere that they will look forward to.

Foster a Community Of Thanks

Encourage your staff to point out the actions of others that they appreciate. If an employee feels that one of their co-workers has done something exemplary in their work, urge them to tell you about it so that person can be rewarded. Set up a reward program where those in your office can nominate someone else for a prize. Record what the responses are and determine from them who to award the prize to. It can be a gift card, a basket of fun things to do, or a day off from the job. When you endorse doing this with those in your business, you are creating a community that supports each other with what they do. They will feel more comfortable approaching each other when they need help or want a partner on a project. It will also increase communication amongst your staff and foster and exchange of ideas between them. Having a happy, productive staff is crucial to the success of your company. Finding ways to show your appreciation for what they do for your organization, whether it is through gifts, recognition, treats, or time off from the job, will build a productive workplace that is fun to be in.

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