What may be harder than creating a decision? Of course, selling it! Your product is interesting, unique, very useful and well-designed. But how to tell your first client about it? How to persuade him/her to prefer your production?
The first thing you need is a rightful strategy. You have to clearly define your sales goals, and it’ll help you to construct the approach to communication with your loyal client. We share good ideas on how to construct the beginning of startups sales.
The 7 steps towards your first client
1 – identify your buyer
Who is this person? Who are you selling your product to? Define such important elements as his/her industry, job title, location, demographic situation. Which problems does this person have? Can you solve this problem with your production? In which way? Can your loyal client allow your decision to him-/herself? Can you suggest the decent decision to him/her? Why will your loyal client choose your product among the other products made by your competitors? What is he/she afraid of? Are there some risks for your client? How to minimize these risks?
If you identify your buyer you will know how and to whom communicate.
2 – try to get feedback
The best way to do it without risks is to analyze the competitors. Your loyal client has a problem, and your competitors offer solutions. Which are these solutions? Which pros and cons they have? What about these pros and cons the loyal clients tell (especially about the cons)?
Try to understand your clients’ problems in-depth through their side. It’ll help you to solve this problem better than your competitors and to attract more customers.
3 – improve your product and make it better among the others
It’s not always obvious, but a lot of your competitors make mistakes when creating their products. Try to analyze these mistakes before you begin to communicate with your loyal clients yourself. It’ll help you to avoid the similar mistakes and to make your production better.
4 – choose the market specific methodology
Your product isn’t just a new offering. It needs to address an underlying problem. Define the main benefit of your product which is really essential to your loyal client. And create your message according to this benefit.
This main benefit is your main argument in persuading your loyal client. It’s something that underlines your uniqueness. That’s why you have to choose this benefit carefully. Your client will think about you according to this benefit. And it must be a persuasive argument to buy your product.
5 – create unique content
The main purpose of any content is to help your client trust you faster. That’s why it must be qualitative, useful and informative. It helps your client to understand who you are and which quality and level of your production is. And it’s the way to show your professionalism and uniqueness. Your unique benefit and the unique portrait of your brand should be expressed with this content.
6 – communicate with them regularly
Communicate with your clients regularly if you want them to remember about you. Use comfortable and unobtrusive ways of communication. Valuable emails, communication with social media, calls, – all of these communicative acts should be regular, informative and demonstrative. Show your clients that you’re waiting for them, that you’re ready to work with them individually, that you appreciate everyone. Your goal now is to make your client remember you.
7 – close the sales correctly
You found your client, and the sale is successful. But that isn’t the end. Make your customer your constant customer. Agree the next meetings when you’re finishing your present meetings. Take client’s contacts to communicate with him/her with calls, emails, social media etc. Suggest your customer regular special offers, discounts, individual solutions etc.
Sales for startups isn’t easy, especially when we’re speaking about B2B. Professional B2B sales training or professional help by specialists is a great idea to make your sales successful.