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HomeTechnology & GadgetsThe advantages of group testing

The advantages of group testing

Your in-house testers and external testing resources are not testing on the same platform unless someone at your company has created internal QA software. We know because, until today, no collaborative testing software existed. To keep your testing under one roof, we’ve enabled revolutionary collaborative testing features within our test management platform.


But what exactly does this imply? Why should you care as a QA manager, a development team leader, or a DevOps manager?


In this piece, we’ll look at what communal testing is, how it works, and how it appears in practice.

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What is the definition of collective testing?

Collective testing is a blended team approach that integrates procedures and technologies into a seamless workflow, which is a principle of networked testing. It facilitates numerous types of cooperation by allowing diverse test teams to work together to cover more testing surfaces in less time using single test management tools. In-house testers, for example, may test secure code intended solely for internal use. In the meanwhile, networked testing resources can do exploratory testing and offer real-world device coverage.


Three major advantages of group testing

Many companies have inquired about the possibility of their in-house testers using the same QA platform as our 10,000+ freelance testers.


Quality-conscious companies want to be able to…

  • Provide choices for in-house, networked testers, and combine both resources to expand the testing surface.

  • Depending on their budget, they can receive completely managed or co-managed testing services.

  • Get rid of superfluous test management systems and consolidate all resources (internal and external) into a single platform to streamline operations and save money.


All of the aforementioned is possible with our collaborative testing technique. Our test management software may be used with your in-house testers, our freelance tester network, or both. Depending on your internal requirements, you may also select the appropriate degree of QA management services.


Let’s look at the top three advantages of group testing.


1. More in-house testers are being used

Instead of being tied to predetermined prices, collective testing allows you to activate resources based on your needs.


For basic needs, employ in-house testers — You’re not tethered to a high-priced QA contract.


You may use your in-house testers for part of your needs, and networked freelancers for pressing release cycles and project load spikes.


Internal and external testers work together to test – To increase capacity, you may also add some of your internal QA testers to a test cycle that is currently running. This will also guarantee that networked testers have competent inside connections to resort to with any questions they may have during the testing process.


Secure code is tested by in-house testers — If there is code that only internal personnel should access, it’s easier to have internal testers work on it first, then have external resources do functional or usability testing subsequently in a seamless, integrated process.


2. A centralized hub for all resources and tactics

Internal and external testers are brought together in collective testing.


But why is this significant? We know that, depending on the use case, the phrase “all in one” might signify a lot or very little in the software industry.


When it comes to quality assurance, having a single testing management platform is critical.


For starters, given the four ways listed above, a collective testing platform helps you to better leverage your internal resources.


Your in-house testers won’t be able to work as easily with external resources if you don’t have a unified platform. This prevents your company from getting the most out of its software testing expenditure.


Aside from helping you get the most out of your internal resources, a single platform offers other advantages. You can simply add on networked testing resources to speed up your testing cycles as needed since you can easily add on networked testing resources. Testing cycles that are shorter result in speedier releases. Having all of your test management in one location also speeds up the process of discovering and addressing bugs.


Because it’s simplest to correct a defect while it’s new, the sooner your entire testing team can find and report issues, the faster your releases will be.


Putting your internal and external QAs on the same platform also saves money since you can terminate your subscription to your traditional test management product, which isn’t designed for using verified freelance personnel.


3. Higher QA and UX standards

In the end, collaborative testing improves QA and UX since you’ll have the correct amount of resources at the right time, testing together.


Here are a few examples of how collaborative testing improves quality:


Streamlined processes — Eliminating duplicate test management tools and bringing everyone together increases productivity and guarantees that fewer bugs and feature sets slide between the cracks. Plus, get hands-on experience with testing results during the day, overnight, or on the weekend.


More QA resources — When you use collective testing, you may add on the resources you need, whether it’s for a new feature or a major upgrade. You’re not limited to your internal team and a small testing surface.

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