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HomeFood & DrinkThe best tips for good food hygiene

The best tips for good food hygiene

It’s not easy to eat well every day, especially when there are many temptations around us. To not overdo it, it is essential to discipline yourself and not to deprive yourself too much. How to find a balance between the two? Are you confuse? Check out this food hygiene course for the best solution.

Here are some food hygiene tips for good and sound health;

Tip # 1: Drink plenty of water and low-calorie drinks

Instead of going after a bag of crisps, drink a glass of water instead. It happens that some people confuse thirst with hunger, and as a result, you will find yourself taking in extra calories when all you need is a glass of ice water. And if that glass of water is not enough, opt for flavored sparkling water or a herbal tea with fruity aromas.

Tip # 2: don’t snack all the time

It is often after dinner that we tend to snack. Indeed, eating in front of the TV is one of the best ways to shake up your diet. You have two options: stop walking on the kitchen floor after dinner or take a light, low-calorie case.

Tip # 3: don’t deprive yourself of your favorite foods

Instead of eliminating your favorite foods from your diet, be more reasonable by buying a fresh-baked cookie rather than a packet of cookies, or a single candy rather than a whole packet. Everyone has cute sins, but the key is moderation.

Tip # 4: eat several small meals during the day

To lose weight, you need to take in fewer calories than you burn. But if you’re hungry all the time, it won’t always be easy to consume fewer calories. Research has shown that people who eat 4 to 5 meals or snacks a day can better control their appetite and weight. This is why it is recommended to eat several mini-meals and snacks per day. However, dinner should be the last thing you eat during the day.

Tip # 5: eat protein with every meal

Protein is very filling, much more than carbohydrates or fatty foods, and brings a fullness feeling that lasts longer. They also help preserve muscle mass and promote the elimination of fat. Ensure adequate protein in your meals like seafood, lean meats, egg whites, yogurt, cheese, soy, nuts, or beans.  

Tip # 6: don’t forget the spices

Add chili or spices to your recipes to enhance your dishes’ flavor, which can make you happier. Foods full of flavor stimulate our taste buds and give us more satisfaction. No reason to ask for more.

Tip # 7: Load up on healthy foods

When you have healthy, ready-to-eat foods on hand, you’re less likely to slip up. So, to avoid succumbing to the temptation, make sure you have the following foods in your fridge or cupboard: frozen vegetables, whole wheat pasta, low-fat cheese, canned tomatoes, canned beans, all substantial salad, etc.

Tip # 8: eat less pasta and more vegetables

By eating less pasta or bread and more vegetables, you can lose a pant size in a year.

Tip # 9: don’t skip breakfast

For many, skipping breakfast equates to weight loss. Warning. Don’t be fooled by this crazy idea. Indeed, several studies have shown the opposite: not eating breakfast makes you hungry, which leads to compulsive snacking and eating at lunch or dinner time. To gain pounds and keep it off, find time to eat a healthy breakfast: high-fiber cereals, skim milk, and a piece of fruit, for example.

Tip # 10: eat fiber

Fiber aids digestion, prevents constipation, lowers cholesterol levels, and promotes weight loss. Women need 25g of fiber per day, while men need 38g. Good fiber sources are oats, beans, whole-grain foods, nuts, and most fruits and vegetables.

Tip # 12: Get Rid of High Fat Foods

If you have crisps in your cupboard or ice cream in the fridge, you will not make it easy. Avoid temptation by clearing your cupboards of fatty foods. And if you want a little treat, make sure you have to leave the house to get it, preferably walking.

Tip # 13: Lose Weight Slowly

If you are losing weight, but not at the rate you want it to be, don’t be discouraged. You don’t lose weight overnight. Experts recommend setting a reasonable goal. If your expectations are too high, chances are you will give up when you realize that you are not losing enough weight fast enough.

Tip # 14: weigh yourself weekly

People who weigh themselves regularly tend to lose weight more quickly. Most experts recommend that you gain weight only once a week, so you don’t get confused by the daily variations. When weighing yourself, follow these tips: weigh yourself simultaneously, on the same day, on the same scale, and wearing the same clothes each time.

Tip # 15: Get enough sleep

When you lack sleep, your body makes excess ghrelin (a hormone that stimulates appetite) and insufficient leptin (a hormone that tells us that we have eaten enough). If you get enough sleep, you will feel rested, which will prevent you from snacking at any time.

Tip # 16: Reduce your portion sizes

We are so used to giant portions that we end up adopting them daily. To adjust your portion sizes:

  1. Use a kitchen scale to weigh your meals for a week or two. You can also use smaller plates and glasses to reduce your portions.
  2. At a restaurant, divide your meal in half.
  3. Eat one serving and save the other for your next meal.

Tip # 17: eat more fruits and vegetables

The best meal is one where you eat more, not less. If you eat more fruits and vegetables, you shouldn’t be hungry because these nutrient-dense foods are also high in fiber and water, making you feel full. Having a snack doesn’t have to be a bad idea, as long as the snacks are healthy.

Tip # 18: don’t drink alcohol during the week

Alcoholic beverages contain empty calories: a glass of wine has 125, while a bottle of wine contains 153. And since our body does not need these calories, they are transformed into fat; if you like to have a drink now and then, compromise and have your favorite drink only during the weekend. Only one drink per day if you are a woman, and two drinks if you are a man.

Tip # 19: prefer sugar-free chewing gum

The next time you want to treat yourself to a treatment that will make you fat, opt for sugar-free chewing gum instead. Some chewing gum gives you fresh breath; others can help control hunger and still others “cravings” while promoting weight loss. However, don’t forget that sorbitol, sugar-based alcohol found in low-calorie chewing gum, often has a laxative effect on some people. And while chewing gum helps you eat less, that doesn’t mean you have to stop eating right. A good diet and exercise are as important as ever.

Tip # 20: accept the support of your friends and family

Thanks to the support of those close to you, it is easier to achieve your goals. Do not hesitate to confide in your family and friends. Talk to them about your efforts to lead a healthier life. Who knows, maybe they will join you during your workouts or follow your lead by changing their eating habits. If you give up, they will always encourage you and cheer you up, which will make this challenging experience much more comfortable to overcome.

Suvangkor Chakma
Suvangkor Chakma
I'm a blogger by profession & digital marketer from heart which allow me to do business & value to lives. Passionate about sharing knowledge as well as helping business owners who want to expose their brand or blog to a large audience, drive huge traffic for business online & get desire ranking on Google through the links building strategies.
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