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HomeDesign & DevelopmentThings To Consider While Hiring An iOS Development Company

Things To Consider While Hiring An iOS Development Company

There comes a time in a business when one feels ready to take the plunge into mobile marketing. This device has become the primary interface to interact with your captive customers and spread the net to get some fresh catch. An app on the phone has outclassed websites by many light-years. 

An Idea Is Conceived

Now that you have implanted with the idea of having an app there is one more critical decision. This decision is to find the surrogate to carry your gestating idea. An iOS app is that surrogate. These mates take the DNA of your idea and nurture the seed of an idea to robust interactive proactive toddler. 

It is a given that your app should be developed primarily for iOS. You would have come across the argument about the great divide between the number of people on iOS and Android. That argument is settled easily. The iOS owners have better purchasing power than the average Android user. The iOS user is more tech-savvy and eager for innovative apps.

When To ‘Swipe Right’ For A Developer?

When it comes to the selection of a developer, it is prudent to go with an established company instead of individuals or teams. Even if the developer company outsources the job, you are assured of expert supervision which could be missing if you engaged the same team directly.

Look for expertise in Apple’s own programming language ‘SWIFT’. This is a relatively new language and performs better than the previous native programming language of ‘Objective C’. There was nothing wrong with Objective C except that Swift is just better.

Before making the match with the developing company you need to assess their DNA too. Here are some tech skills that are a must-have for iOS developers in Melbourne,

  1. Familiar with XCODE IDE (Apple integrated development environment)
  2. Good understanding of UI / UX
  3. Expert in Swift iOS/Objective C
  4. Expertise in APIs / API integration

The UI / UX is as important to the app as a well-dressed salesperson speaking fluently. Please don’t confuse it with the vanity design and look and feel of the app. When a user opens the app, he/she must be able to navigate intuitively through the process. The ease of use is extremely critical to the success of the app/business. This is achieved by leading the user to the primary goal of the app, be it content consumption, product purchase, utility, socialising, or engaging with a service. Spend a lot more time on this part.

Besides the tech expertise, what you should be looking for are the soft skills of the team that will work with you. Critical essentials are,

  1. Domain expert (Subject knowledge)
  2. Ability to analyse and solve problems
  3. Team Players
  4. Persistence to excellence
  5. Deadline adherence record

It will help your cause to select a developer who has already worked in the domain that is your app’s environment. Such a company will have certain roots in the subject and those insights will help tremendously. The other equally important point is of analytical and problem-solving abilities of the team. 

Many people can solve a problem but you need people who can solve it most efficiently and smartly. The wow factor in the app comes from clever solutions embedded in the app flow.

Sow The Seed To Germinate An App

There is something you need to do before venturing into the selection mode. 

  1. Explain what problem your app solves
  2. Define the typical user of the app by age, social status, occupation, etc.
  3. Write down the flow of your app.
  4. Point out critical aspects of the app
  5. Discuss data protection and privacy

How you convey the idea to the developer team is the key to their successful execution. You don’t need to explain the entire business plan. Relate to them how and why a user will use the app. What will make your customer smile when using the app? The engagement of customers to the app is the key. Your focus on this relationship will translate into action for the developer.

You will have to share these details with the iOS developers in Melbourne so that they get a fair idea of what they are working on. They will be asking certain questions that may seem obvious to you but remember they are doing deep critical thinking. 

They ask questions like a layperson and that helps them discover creases in-app flow. A good developer with experience in UI / UX will see the app flow intuitively.

Ready But Not Ready

Once the first cut or version of the app is ready the developer will put it through Alpha testing within his company. If the company has a sharp team of testers, most of the bugs or issues will be sorted before the app gets into beta testing. This is when the app will be shared with you and some chosen people in the company. At this stage, the app may be sent to professional bet testers. A good company has a formidable roster of professional testers.

Once your app has been developed and you have tested it on all versions of the iPhone, there comes the most important part that is the developer’s nightmare. This is when the app is submitted to App Store. The app will go through rigorous tests in the iOS labs. Your business idea is not under purview at this time. The efficiency and robustness of the app are being tested. 

An inefficient app is one where the coding is too long and the number of codes lines is too many. This makes the app slow and drains the battery of the device. A good iPhone app development company makes sure of this aspect. This is the difference between good companies and individual developers. 

An app can get rejected because of technical reasons and has to be resubmitted multiple times before it passes through.

Congrats! Your App Is Born.

Eventually, the app will be published and you will start promoting it all over. Make sure the developer company is still under contract to service the app. After the launch, you might have second thoughts about certain things and would want quick changes. 

Besides that, iOS comes out with new updates and devices which will require you to upgrade the app and resubmit. An efficient iPhone app development in Melbourne will make sure the app remains updated and relevant to the technology.All the best in choosing your app development company and the final delivery of your app.

I am Kate Westall, a freelance writer, and a professional blogger, who enjoys enlightening others about unknown and little-known facts. I love to write on all general and professional topics like Home Improvement, Fashion, Health, Travel etc.
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