Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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HomeHealth & FitnessTypes of Yoga and Its Benefits

Types of Yoga and Its Benefits

Yoga holds diverse meanings.  For some, yoga is a lifestyle. While others may just see it as a workout. Yoga can be anything you want it to be. It can make you flexible and fit; and also be a spiritual gateway to live a contented life. However you may choose to embrace yoga, it is a blessing to the entire mankind.


Yoga can be segregated depending upon its nature. One type of yoga can keep your inner energy flows in check. There is yoga that can help you dig in and discover your true self. Other types of yoga makes you more aware about your body and mind. 


Yoga is much more than stretching and balancing. There are extensive types of yoga that differ in nature and the method of practicing. You will have to pick the one that resonates with you the most. 


With the advent of the internet, you no longer need to travel to mountains and search for a sage to learn about yoga. Just a few clicks and you get all the details about yoga. Before starting your yoga journey, you can even buy yoga products online


Below are some of the types of yoga and its benefits


  1. Bikram yoga


Bikram yoga (also known as ‘hot yoga’)  got its name from its founder Bikrama Chaudry. The specialty of this form of yoga is that it is performed in “hot rooms” where the temperature is set to 40°C to 45°C. 


Bikram yoga consists of 26 postures and each posture is held for 10 to 60 seconds. 


Important postures in Bikram yoga:


  • Utkatasana-


Stretch your arms forward and half sit as if sitting on an imaginary chair. This pose helps in blood circulation in the ankle and knee area


  • Dandayamana Janushirasana


Raise your right leg forward and grip it with both your hands. Bend to touch your right knee and hold the posture for 20 to 50 seconds. This posture increases concentration and promotes mental stability


  • Pranayama


You can do this asana either by sitting or standing. It is a deep breath posture that involves taking slow and deep breath from your abdomen. Pranayama strengthens lungs and detoxifies organs.

Benefits of Bikram yoga


Bikram yoga stands out because of the temperature element it has. The higher temperature of the surrounding helps in the expansion and contraction of the muscles to a greater extent. Therefore, bikram yoga naturally promotes flexibility compared to other forms of yoga. 


  • Good for your skin

  • Shapens your body and improves flexibility.

  • Promotes mental stability

  • Strengthens immune system


  1. Iyengar yoga


Iyengar yoga is named after its founder B.K.S. Iyengar. This form of yoga is focused on the alignment of poses and holding them for a longer time. It might be a little hard for the beginners. 


However, you can do iyengar yoga with the help of chairs, belts, blocks, and blankets. You can easily buy these yoga products online. Iyengar yoga requires quite a lot of effort and focus. 


Important postures in Iyengar yoga


  • Uttanasana:


You have to stand straight and slowly bend forward. Raise your hip bone and push your upper body forward. Now, place your hand on the floor or grasp your ankle from the behind.


  • Supta Baddha Konasana


Lie-down on your back. Bend your knees (as in sitting cross-legged). Remember to keep your legs to the floor. Now, bring the soles of your feet together. Keep your arms alongside the hips and hold the posture for at least a minute. 


Supta Baddha Konasana helps in opening up the things and hips and making it a cakewalk to do other hard postures. 


Benefits of Iyengar yoga


  • It cures mental stress and improves sleep quality

  • Improves concentration

  • It tones internal organs

  • Good for curing menstrual cramps

  • Improves physical stability


  1. Kundalini yoga


Kundalini yoga is a blend of Bhakti Yoga (yoga that relies on chanting and devotion), Raja yoga ( primary focus on meditation) and Shakti yoga (yoga that expresses energy and power)


Important postures of Kundalini Yoga


  • Bhujangasana 


Bhujangasana is commonly referred to as the Cobra pose. You have to lie on your tummy. Bring your arms flat, near your chest, elbows upward. Using the support of your arms lifts the upper  body. Raise your head up as you do the pose. 


  • Padmasana


Padmasana or the cross-legged posture involves sitting cross-legged with your feet facing upward. Place your arms on your lap (you can either form any mudra with your hand or plainly place it facing downwards) and keep your back straight.




  • Strengthens nervous system

  • Boosts mental stability and sharpens brain

  • Makes your skin glow 

Can You Ship Alcohol at Home via Mail?
Can You Ship Alcohol at Home via Mail?
    Finding the right party supplies can be challenging without spending a fortune. And while people can always head to the store, it can be more fun to try something new once in a while. If folks are looking for something unique and exciting to bring to their next party, they might be shocked to learn that they can send alcohol via postal after following a few restrictions. 
This article answers the question of how can you ship alcohol through the mail and everything one needs to know to get started. So read on and find out how shipping drinks at home can add extra fun to your next celebration!
What is Alcohol, and How is It Shipped?
It is a type of beverage that is produced from fermented sugarcane or other plant sources. It can be shipped in any container approved by the U.S. Postal Service, such as a box, bottle, or can. Folks must package it properly to ensure it does not leak and cause a public disturbance. The shipping package should also include information about the product, such as the brand name and quantity.
How to Ship?
So can you ship alcohol via mail? Yes, you can send them via mail. However, keep these factors in mind:
You'll need to ensure that the package can withstand damage during shipping.
Ensure that the item is appropriately packaged and labeled to avoid any issues at the border.
Follow all the applicable state and federal regulations when shipping.
Contact a professional logistics provider if you have questions about shipping alcohol via mail. They can help you get your package shipped without any issues.
What are the Requirements for Shipping Alcohol via Mail?
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) states that alcohol is not eligible for mailing and must be shipped in containers that are three-quarters full or less. These can only be shipped to addresses within the United States. Additionally, USPS prohibits this shipment via Priority Mail, Express Mail, or First Class Package Services.
To ship such items via mail, you will need to provide the following information to the USPS:
A physical address where the items will be delivered
The weight and volume of the items being mailed
The type of package being mailed (It may only be sent in a package that is labeled as containing alcoholic beverages)
Choose to ship your drinks via Priority Mail, Express Mail, or First Class Package Services. You must provide documentation from your liquor store certifying that the product meets government regulations and is classified as an alcoholic beverage.
What are the Regulations on Such Shipping?
There are specific regulations governing the shipment of alcohol via mail. The Federal Alcohol Administration (FAA) prohibits shipping any alcoholic beverage across state lines. In addition, shipments of more than 3.4 ounces per item will be subject to additional taxes and fees.   To ship drinks through the mail, you must obtain an FAA permit. Permits are only available for shipments that do not exceed 24 fluid ounces per package and travel no farther than your address. You should also include a copy of your state liquor authority license with your application.   Once you have obtained a permit, you must follow all the same packaging and shipping requirements as if you were shipping alcohol through a commercial carrier. Ensure all required documentation, including proof of delivery, signed paperwork, and insurance information.
Trying to get your drinks shipped home through the mail can be tricky. The ideal way to send alcohol via mail is by contacting a trusted logistics partner. Look for multiple services available online and choose which fits the best.   
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