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HomeHealth & FitnessWhat are the different types of dental disease?

What are the different types of dental disease?

Different types of dental disease can affect general health if left untreated. These dental problems can occur at any age. From cavities to mouth ulcers through loosening of the teeth, these diseases can be of bacterial or traumatic origin. What are the symptoms of the most common dental diseases? How to prevent these oral pathologies? What care is planned to treat these diseases? Discover the main types of tooth disease in our complete file.

The decay dental

It is the most common dental pathology among the different types of dental diseases. It manifests itself by the formation of a cavity in the tooth. Indeed, tooth decay causes progressive destruction of enamel and dentin. This degradation is caused by the presence of bacteria. Tooth decay can develop without symptoms. It is therefore recommended to consult your dentist regularly to avoid having to treat them at a very advanced stage.

The loosening of teeth

The loosening of the teeth corresponds to a retraction of the gums compared to the teeth which leads to the exposure of the underlying roots . Different factors can promote this dental disease: aging, poor oral hygiene, brushing too vigorously. To treat the problem, the dentist may perform:

  • A panoramic radio
  • Complete descaling
  • Surfacing to remove bacteria and dental plaque located at the root of the teeth.

The gingivitis

Gingivitis is a very common dental infection. Some warning signs should alert you: swelling, redness or bleeding in the gum area. You must then consult your dentist quickly to prevent the gingivitis from causing periodontal problems.

MIH or Incisor molar hypomineralization

An MIH is a dental defect that can affect a child’s molars or permanent incisors. Affected teeth show stains that can vary in size and color. They decay more quickly, are more fragile and more sensitive to brushing, chewing, cold and heat. The application of fluoride varnishes and the sealing of the furrows are among the most common curative treatments to treat this disease of the teeth.

Calculus Bridge

It’s a mineralized coating of dead bacteria with a few minerals, including salivary proteins. It’s a hard, bone-like substance that adheres securely to a person’s teeth. Supragingival calculus grows over the gingival margin. A yellow or tan look of the teeth is the most common indication of this type of calculus, which occurs when plaque is not cleared from the teeth. Symptoms for the disease are as following:

  • Gums that are red and swollen
  • Brushing causes bleeding
  • Gums that are receding
  • Bad breath on a regular basis
  • Teeth that are loose

The best way to prevent Calculus Bridge from building is to brush and floss your teeth twice a day with a healthy toothpaste. Prevention is always preferable to treatment, as we all know. Oral problems are easier to prevent than to treat. You may never acquire Tartar or Calculus, which requires numerous dental operations to eliminate. If you take good care of your teeth, you may never get Tartar or Calculus.

The toothache or dental pulpitis

Often referred to as “toothache,” dental pulpitis is an acute inflammation of the vessels and nerves in the tooth called the pulp. This disease can have different causes:

  • Septic pulpitis: it occurs as a result of tooth decay.
  • Aseptic pulpitis: it is caused by trauma.

Dental pulpitis manifests itself with different symptoms. The patient feels intense and sudden pain in the tooth. This is accentuated whenever the tooth is in contact with cold or hot food. The pain can spread to the cheekbone or the ear. The dentist performs devitalization of the tooth to treat this dental disease.

The tooth abscess

The tooth abscess is a bacterial infection. It can be caused by deep decay or a dental fracture. Some of the common symptoms of this tooth disease include the following:

  • Red and swollen gums
  • Feeling of heat
  • Bleeding
  • Pus formation
  • Chewing problems
  • Fatigue and fever

To avoid complications, a dental abscess must be taken care of quickly by a dentist. The latter cleans the dental canals and decides either to restore the tooth or to extract it.

The bruxism or teeth grinding

Bruxism refers to involuntary teeth grinding in adults or in children. This dental disease is caused by improper alignment of the jaws. Stress, anxiety or problems with sleep cycles can also be the cause. Occlusal splints release can be prescribed by your dentist to reduce damage to teeth caused by bruxism.

The halitosis

Halitosis is the bad breath. Different causes can be at the origin of this disease: poor hygiene of the mouth and teeth, untreated cavities, dry mouth, etc. It is advisable to make an appointment with the dentist to take stock of your situation and determine the real cause of your bad breath.

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