A trademark is refers as sign, design, or expression which identifies services or products of a business from those of others because trademarks is basically used to identify services/ products are which is usually called Service marks. Trademark is very essential for any brand Name, Company Name, symbol or device because its has very advantages in India. Any type of the business if the owner of the business wants to secure their brand name and logo of the company, they have to must go for trademark registration in India. Trademark Registry gives the protection on the each brand name with the logo in their respective trademark class.
In a Online Trademark Registration there are 45 Trademark classes where anyone can register their brand name in the type of the field which is related to their business or where he want to protect the brand or trade name.
Reasons to Register a Trademark-
Legal Protection
Trade Mark Registration is essential for protect a brand and logo with legally. After registering a trademark of his /her company only owners of registered trademarks are allowed to use and take action or complaint for damages in case of trademark infringement. All registered trademarks are valid up to 10 years from the date of registering and it can be renewed after each 10 years easily by filing a trademark renewal application.
Unique Identity
Trademark Registration will help a company or firm to establish a unique identity and brand for their goods or services among the crowd. After registering a Trademark Competitors will not be allowed to use your trademark for similar class.
Trust or Goodwill
Registered trademarks can build a sense of trust, goodwill and quality in the minds of your customer/clients that is very beneficial for your business. Registered trademarks shows peoples that you care about your brand.
Creation of Asset
After Registering trademark an entity has a right that if it wants it can be sold, franchised or commercially contracted to expand their business.
Is It mandatory to register a trademark in India?
- Trademark is essential in India to protect your brand name and logo for the legal owner of business that no other person has the rights to use your registered trademark without your prior permission.
- Trademark registration is required to establish a unique identity of product or services to the user company.
- Registered trademark act as an asset as owner of that trademark can easily sell, franchise or allow it on the contract basis to another party occupational Health & Safety management (OHSAS 18001:2007).
- A name of the company or logo which is registered under trademark is easily searchable as it listed in government trademark database. It also it helps user to get famous among people which are a great sign for User Company.
Who can apply for Trademark Registration Online?
Any person can made an application for applying Trademark apply to register your trademark whether he is individual/ company/ proprietor or legal entity.
What is time limitation of Trademark Registration in India?
Trade mark is valid for 10 years from the date of filing and it can be renewal time to time after 10 each year.
Procedure for Online Trademark Registration:
Step 1: Search Availability of Brand Name
Step2: Depends on your nature of goods or services select your appropriates class.
Step 2: Preparation of documents
Step 3: Filing of an Application of Trademark
Step 4: Examination of the Trademark Application
Step 5: Publication of the Application
Step 6: Objection by Third Party if that happens
Step 7: Hearing before Registrar
Step 8: and finally you’re Trademark Registered
Congratulations your Trademark Got Registered
Documents required for Online Trademark Registration
Following Documents are required for the Online Trademark Registration in India –
- Pan Card Copy of the proprietor | Company or Firm Name.
- Address Proof such as Pan Card, Aadhaar Card or Voter id or Passport etc.
- Brand Name And Class
- Any registration certification if have on company or firm name like msme Certificate.
- Email Id
- Mobile No.
Benefits of Trademark Registration
Here are some benefits explained Trademark.
- Builds trust and Goodwill
- Exclusive Rights
- Differentiates Product
- Recognition to product’s Quality
- Creation of Asset
- Use of ® symbol
- Protection against infringement
- Protection against infringement
- Global Trademark Registration
- Attract Human Resources