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HomeLifestyleWhy and How to make your last wishes known

Why and How to make your last wishes known

Each wishes small or big holds value!

Last wishes in itself is a self-explanatory term. We tend to get so busy with the everyday routine lives that we don’t plan for things that matter. As humans, all we have is each other, and while living in the company of our friends and family is important, it is also necessary to make sure that when we are no longer in the world our last wishes or the wishes of our loved ones are carried out. 

Living our lives we make some identities, get involved in relationships, and develop hobbies interests. If we think about it, all of us do have some or another wish that we would like fulfilled. We may want to have a theme party in honor of our lives, or we would want to donate to a particular cause. Each wishes small or big holds value!

There are two main ways of how you can convey your last wishes to either your loved ones or professionals of funeral services . The first is to create a will or testament. By writing a will you state how you want your wealth to be distributed among your family members. 

For the latter way, you can create a document expressing your desires and wishes. You can mention your choice of the type of funeral you want, who you want to look after your digital assets, and any other special wishes.

Here are some reasons as to why you should convey your last wishes:

  1. All of us like to be in control to an extent. Conveying your last wishes allows you to have control over your end-of-life decisions and maintain your dignity in the society and community.
  2. Writing your official will make sure that all the important decisions such as your estate management and distribution of estate are managed as per your wishes. It ensures that your wealth goes to those you love.
  3. The testament can make sure that you plan well in advance for the survival and education of minor children. The main thing about demise is that it is unexpected. We should express and plan not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones.
  4. The last wishes personal document gives you a chance to express your last wishes regarding the type of funeral you want, a celebration of life event in your honor, anything you want to complete at the last stages of your life, and much more. Last Journey is a service provider that will help you document your preferences properly.
  1. Expressing your last wishes will allow you to not only distribute your assets to your loved ones but also donate to charitable organizations that you care for. You may be a cancer patient and want to help people suffering the same or you may be an environment enthusiast and want to contribute to such causes.
  2. Last but not least, conveying your last wishes will save money, time, and stress for your loved ones. Since they would already know what your wishes were they can fulfill them respectably. 

When it comes to expressing your last wishes or writing a will, we tend to cater to such matters only if we or a family member becomes ill. We need to realize that passing away is very unexpected and is inevitable to happen. Express when you can for yourself and your family and friends.

Make your last wishes known not tomorrow or the day after, but today!

Understandably, it gets confusing as to what we should include in our document of last wishes. Here is a list of items.

  • Location of will
  • Choice of the funeral( burial, cremation, eco-friendly alternatives)
  • Funeral decisions ( how to distribute your ashes, choice of urn, casket, floral decor, list of relatives)
  • Location and list of legal documents 
  • What do you want is done to your digital assets
  • Financial documents or policies you had
  • Distribution of personal effects
  • Personal messages for your loved ones

There is a beautiful feeling in listening to people’s last wishes and knowing that they were fulfilled. Here is a collection of some unique and personal last wishes. You can make yours too!

  1. A 12-year-old boy gets tattoos made with markers from a tattoo artist.
  2. A single cancer-fighting father’s last wish came true when he found a family for his 4-year-old son.
  3. A person left all his money to his wife on the condition that she remarries.
  4. A loving husband made arrangements to get delivered a rose every day to his wife. 
  5. A man expressed to be cremated and the ashes sent to space.
  6. A woman expressed her wish to donate her pacemaker to a dog.
  7. An ill dad walked his daughter down the aisle as his last wish.
  8. Burn My Body, Mix My Ashes With Ink – Mark Gruenwald.
  9. Make Me Bald, And Distribute My Hair To My Friends – Napoleon Bonaparte.
  10. A man wanted a theme-based party to be thrown in his honor.
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